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Welcome To Bangladesh Nano Society
Dr. Kazi Hanium Maria
Kazi Hanium Maria has been serving as an associate professor of Physics at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh over 12 years. She is dedicated to her work in the laboratory and enthusiastic about further expanding her scientific skills. Her research interests include ceramic magnetic materials, glassy (amorphous) magnetic materials, CNT production, nanostructured/ nanocomposite materials, nanoparticle synthesis and characterization, development of TMDs materials based gas sensors and their applications. She excelled in the technical aspects of her lab work such as synthesis and use of instrumentation. She obtained M.S and B.Sc degree from the Department of Physics, University of Dhaka. She obtained several fellowships such as JSPS Hope fellow (2017), ISRF fellow (2019) and got research grants several times from Ministry of Science and Technology of Bangladesh. She received the ‘Rowshan Innas Ali Research Award-2014’ for her outstanding research work. She got her PhD in 2015 from Shizuoka University, Japan on optoelectronic and nanostructured sciences. In her PhD work, she made a patent for the development of a new synthesis technique for the efficient production of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes. She has successfully accomplished few research projects and published 35 articles in national and international journal. She has presented her research in numerous local and international conferences in India, Japan, Malaysia and UK. She was a visiting faculty at Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India from September, 2019 to March, 2020.